So I don't know if there's really any point in posting this seeing as how I certainly don't have a very large fanbase, and I don't post content that regularly in the first place, but I figured, why not, might as well.
I seem to be having some health related issues with my arm which causes pain whenever I draw, and this has been happening for a while now. I've told myself several times that I should try to draw less in order to rest, but drawing is what I like to do, and so the "urge" has been too strong.
At this point, however, it's just gotten to be unbearable, and I have decided to take a concentrated couple of days to go cold turkey and see if things get better.
And so as I hinted at before, what this probably means is that my output is going to be quite a fair bit slower than usual, because even if it may not seem like it I work on my movies every single day, so a lot of productivity will be lost.